Dietetic technicians are paraprofessionals who work closely with dietitians. Their primary task is to assist the Dietitian in developing nutritional care plans, assess dietary needs, and supervise food production in institutions such as prisons, daycare centers, and schools.
Dietetic Technicians work primarily in medical centers, ambulatory care clinics, colleges and universities, schools, public health centers, business and industry, or in the private practice of a registered dietitian. The outlook for this job is good, as it will continue to grow at an average rate comparable to other health occupations. Most dietetic technicians work an average work week, but may work evenings and/or weekends depending upon the circumstances of their employment. An experienced dietetic technician can expect to earn between $1,500 and $3,000 per month, also depending upon the circumstances of their employment.
The training to become a dietetic technician usually consists of two years of college, practical experience, and an associate of arts degree. If they decide to pursue registration as a dietitian later, they must complete their degree as required and undertake a post-graduate Pre-Professional Practice Program or a Dietetic Internship. Upon completion, they are eligible to take the Registration Examination for Dietitians.