
Nurse Anesthesiologist

As more people look for new and more natural ways of healing themselves, or helping themselves actively work toward better health, several careers in the health industry are seeing a noted rise. One such career is that of a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy evolved from the studies and practice of the Austrian doctor Franz Anton Mesmer, from whom we get the term mesmerize. Mesmer practiced methods of hypnosis on clients in order to produce specific results, which is what hypnotherapists do today. Hypnosis is used in several medical environments, including dentistry. It can help people to lose weight, stop smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, relieve pain, rid phobias, and help with depression and low self-esteem.

When a client is hypnotized, they are placed in a state of focused relaxation. In this state, the subconscious mind is more open to suggestion. The client is in a state of consciousness somewhere between waking and sleeping, and the hypnotherapist uses the power of suggestion to implant messages in their mind. The sessions will be more successful if the client actually desires to be hypnotized, and desires a positive end result.

Hypnotherapists may work in their own private practices, or in a variety of clinics, hospitals, or medical offices. Some are even employed in the medical areas of large companies. Some practitioners may use it in conjunction with their other careers, including acupuncture, massage, psychotherapy, and nursing. The outlook for this career relies on a number of factors, including industry growth and location, but as the health industry booms, is likely to grow quickly. Income also varies on location and client base, but many hypnotherapists are reported to make as much as $75 to $175 an hour for each session, and have a yearly income of $75,000 or more.

If you are interested in a career in hypnotherapy, there are several schools that offer certification courses in hypnotherapy, most held to the standard of the ACHE, or American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

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