Administrative Medical Assistant

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See Available Administrative Medical Assistant Schools

Also Called: Medical Office Manager, Medical Receptionist

The medical office manager, is an ideal position for the Jack-of-all-trades. Administrative assistants will perform basic office and clerical tasks in a hospital or office setting. Responsibilities vary from answering the phone and scheduling to transcribing physicians' dictation. Administrative Assistants also record simple patient medical histories, and arrange for patient hospitalization. Administrative assistants need to be up to speed on insurance rules, billing practices, as well as other administrative procedures particular to their office.

Working Environment: Generally a 40-hour work week an upscale office environment. The job typically involves a high level of interaction with various computer applications. Depending on the size of your facility, you may work alone, as part of a group of support staff, or under the supervision of an office manager or physician directly.

Education and Training: High school diploma or GED is required. Increasingly, employers require completion of a program in medical assistantship, which typically takes roughly 6 months to complete.

Earning Potential: Salaries range depending on experience, location, and level of responsibility but Medical Office Managers with a degree can earn up to $62,000 (PAHCOM)

Job Outlook: Good to Excellent. As with most careers in health care, opportunities for administrative assistants are on the rise. Qualified medical administrative assistants will enjoy what is expected to be one of the fastest growing occupations through 2010.

PAHCOM Newsletter Medical Office Manager

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