See Available Shiatsu Masseuse Schools
Shiatsu is a form of non-invasive massage therapy that incorporates the ancient belief system of acupuncture. This belief states that throughout the human body there are specific points along a network of channels, which are called meridians. These channels direct the flow of “Qi”, which is the body’s source of vital energy. If the Qi is flowing in order, the body will function perfectly. However, if the Qi is blocked at a specific point, the body will cease to function normally, and that is when the malady occurs. Shiatsu, meaning “finger pressure” in Japanese, where this form of massage originates, uses the application of finger pressure on these points in order to alleviate symptoms and maladies and provide relief to the client.
Shiatsu massage has been successful in treating several diseases and disorders, including headaches and migraines, back, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, whiplash, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle tension and spasms, insomnia, digestive problems, menstrual problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, asthma, and anxiety and depression. There is usually relief after one treatment, but in most cases a course of treatments is advised in order to maintain successful relief. Those with acute problems are usually prescribed a course of two to five treatments, while those with chronic problems are given a course of five to ten treatments, possibly more. Treatments are usually given once a week, and can range from 30 to 90 minutes long.
Shiatsu masseuses most often work in offices, clinics, or wellness centers. They usually work a regular week, but may offer evening and weekend hours in order to better care for and satisfy their clients. They may also work as instructors at massage schools, and possibly also write about the healing benefits of shiatsu massage. A beginning shiatsu masseuse can expect to make an average of $40,800 yearly, depending upon the area and capacity in which he or she is employed, though more experienced masseuses with wider client bases can make as much as 100,000 yearly. The outlook for this career is quite good, especially as more people turn to alternative and non-invasive methods of healing and medicine. It will likely grow faster in urban areas than in rural areas because of the sheer number of people available to serve.
There are several schools which offer shiatsu courses in the United States, and some that are specifically shiatsu massage schools. There is a varying number of hours required in programs from school to school, as well as for certification from state to state. For example, in California, one must only complete 150 hours of training to be able to practice shiatsu massage on the public, and the practice of massage therapy is unregulated and uncertified. However, in states such as New Jersey and New York, one must take 600 hours of training before being eligible for licensing. It is best to check from state to state to see what the training and certification requirements are when pursuing this career.