Massage therapy is quickly gaining a large following, as it helps relieve the body of stress, common in today’s world. One of the methods gaining notice is Thai bodywork, also called Thai Yoga massage. This type of massage incorporates the practices of Yoga stretching, acupressure, reflexology, energy work, and meditation. The Thai practitioner uses his or her thumb, palm, elbow, knee, and foot pressure to create what the Thais call energy medicine. Thai bodywork releases tension, increases vitality, and relaxes and rejuvenates the entire body. It also increases a person’s range of motion and flexibility as well as opens joints.
Thai massage is practiced with the client lying on a mat on the floor, giving the practitioner leverage as well as the ability to use his or her body to facilitate deep muscle stretching and joint release. It also enables them to use point pressure to open the body’s energy channels. The treatment focuses on balancing and creating wholeness of the client’s body, mind, and spirit. These treatments are very thorough, stretching and massaging the entire body, and can last anywhere from 1 ½ to 2 hours.
Thai massage practitioners work in spas, wellness centers, clinics, and private practices, as well as out of the office. They may be required to work evenings and weekends as clients demand, but those in private practice can set their own hours. Income varies based on location and client base, as well as in what capacity the practitioner is employed.
To become certified as a Thai masseuse, one must complete coursework in an accredited program, usually requiring 500 hours of training and practice. There is also the option for sitting the personal competency review exam administered by the ITTA Board of Examiners in order to become certified.